Walk timings are based on an average speed of 2 miles per hour without stops.
Although there is a map for each detailed walk description and walks have been independently walk-tested by a group of willing volunteers it is advised that you take a 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey map with you. All but two of the walks are to be found within OS 242 Telford, Ironbridge & The Wrekin. The two exceptions are the Badger Dingle and Bridgnorth walks which require the additional OS 218 Wyre Forest & Kidderminster map.
None of the walks are particularly hilly but there are short climbs on some. Anyone with an average level of fitness will find no problem, but if you're not used to walks of 10 miles or more; best to build up to these by walking the shorter ones first.
Suitable footwear and clothing are essential.
Most countryside pubs are walker-friendly but you may have to take muddy boots off before entering.
And don't forget to follow the country code:
- Be safe - plan ahead and follow any signs
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home
- Keep dogs under close control
- Consider other people